Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Pop Culture is Culture!

    Did you know that culture is pop culture? It's true! The Ceramic Vase found in Crete that tells the story of the Minotaur that can now be found in the museum? That's pop culture! The plays written by Shakespeare that were condemned by his contemporaries and are now considered among the best literature in the western world? That's pop culture! A book written about an explorer that's about 70% complete fiction but is regarded as fact? O.K. that's kinda sad, but still, that's pop culture!
   This blog is going to be dedicated to talking about pop culture in as many as it's aspects possible. Not just for your entertainment, but also because it is important to sometimes look and analyze why these things have become such an indispensable part of our culture. Those who consider themselves too highbrow, too intellectual, too above it all will not find anything of value here. And if you can't find something of positive value in these writings, oh well, move along.
      Welcome to Classics of Pop Culture!

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